is research?
‘Research is a systematic approach to
finding answers to questions.’
2. Primary research is the research
wich is derived from the primary sources of in information
3. Secondary research which is
derived from the secondary sources of information
4. Case studies that centres on one
or a few individual
5. Survey studies is a research that
focus on a groups attitude opinions or characteristic
6. Experimental studies a whole
range of different that investigate language behaviour of group
7. The characteristic of statistical
research are:
Systematic , logical, tangible, replicable, rudicted
8. Variable is something we can
observe or quantitative of characteristic still of human
9. Independent variable is the
variable that choosen and observed to examine the consequence that possible
appread toward other variable
10. Intervening variable is abstract
variable the teoretis lablel connection or the process that connected the free
variable and string variable.
11. Depeendent variable is the
respons or the criterion variable presumed to be “caused or influenced by the
12. Moderator variable is the certain
kind from free variable that choosen the research to determine how the
connection between free variable and string variable influenced, or was modify
by moderator variable.
13. Control variable is the variable
that choosen in order to constant, neutral, or lost until the variable will not
influence the examination
14. Mean is aritmatic average that you
may calculate when gradding class room test
15. Median is define as amiddle point
in a distribution
16. Range is define as a number of
point between the highest score on the measure and the lowest score plus one
17. Mode is score that occurs most
frequently in set of score.
are the characteristics of longitudinal approach?
There are at least three of the qualitative
paradigm attributes: (1) naturalistic
(use of spontaneous speech), (2) process
oriented (in that it takes place over
time) and
(3) ungeneralizable (very few subjects).
is cross sectional approach?
In cross sectional approach, the
linguistic performance of a larger number of
subjects is studied, and the performance
data are usually collected at only one
are the characteristics of the cross-sectional approach?
The characteristics of cross-sectional
approach are obstrusive, controlled
measurement (use of artificial tasks),
outcome-oriented (in that it takes place
at only one point in time), and
generalizable (larger group of subjects).
What are kinds of second language acqusition research
The methods arranged along a continuum
with the two paradigms (qualitative
and quantitative) at either pole. (1)
introspection, (2) participant observation,
(3) non-participant observation, (4)
focused description, (5) pre-experimental,
(6) quasi experimental, (7)
What is an introspective study?
In introspective study, with the
guidance from the researcher, learners
examine their own behaviour for insights
into second language acquisition.
23. What is participant
observation study?
In participant observation,the researcher
takes part in the activities he is
studying. He does not approach the study
with any specific hypotheses in
mind, rather he takes copious note on
whatever he observes and experience.
What is non-participant observation?
In this study the researcher observes
activities without engaging in the
activities he is studying.The researcher
does not entertain any hypothesis at
the outset of a study.
What is focused description?
Focused descriptive study is similar to
the obeservational studies.It is
descriptive in nature. The researcher
narrows the scope of his study to a
particular set of variables.
What is descriptive studies?
‘Descriptive studies may classify, order
and correlate data seeking to describe
relationships that are discoverable in
phenomena themselves’ (Van Dalen,
in Cook 1965: 39, in Larsen-Freeman
& Long,1991:17)
What is pre-experiment?
Pre-experiment : (1) Only
group of subjects (no
experimental group and no
control group, and (2) subjects are
not randomly designed.
designs can provide useful insights into
SLA which later may be tested using
more rigorous procedures.
One type of pre- experimental design is
called one-group pretest-postest
For example, the study of the effect of
intensive English language study on
attitudes, motivation and achievement.
What is quasi-experiment?
Quasi-experiment designs, is closer to
the true experiment in that one of two
criteria of experimental design is
met.Quasi-experimental designs do not
require random assignment of subjects to
groups. Quasi experiments exist as a
compromise for those interested in
studying human behaviour in naturally
occuring settings in which complete
experimental control is difficult, if
Time series designs are
quasi-experiments since they improve upon the one-
group pres-test post-test design that
was classified as pre-experimental.
Subjects in one group serve both as a
control group and as an experimental
What is true experiment?
Experiments have two criteria: (1) there
are at least two groups included in
the study, and a control group and an
experimental group; and (2) subjects
are randomly assigned to one of those
groups. The purpose of having the two
groups in the study is that if one group
is treated in one manner (eg. Taught
by using direct method, and another in a
different manner (eg. Taught by
using audiolingual method) and their
post treatment behaviour differs, we
conclude that the behaviour differs as a
consequence of their different
treatments if the two groups are
comparable to start with.The basic idea of an
experiment is a powerful one.
What are instrumentation: production data elicitation?
Instruments designed to elicit
production data.
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