Jumat, 31 Januari 2014


A.      ReadingA
About you
1.       Which of the following items is the product of new technology?
a.       Microchip
b.      Steam Engine
c.       The wheel
d.      Bicycle
2.       Mention, at least, three products of new technology you know well.
Smartphone, Fuel Injection, Smart TV
3.       Can the introduction of new technology increase employment?
Yes or No
Your reason: The introduction of new technology will not increase the employment but change the job organization and content to intellectual worker.

Before reading
1.       Based on your knowledge, map the words that relate the information included in the text you will read. Use the web below.
2.       Based on your prediction, what information do you expect from the text you will read?
The text will provide the information about the effects of the introduction of new technology. Especially on the employment and economy aspect. The introduction of new technology will change the structure of job organization. The intellectual workers will replace the heavy physical workers.

New Technology and Economy

It has all happened before –the hostility- the suspicion-the resistance to change following the introduction of new technology-whether it be steam power, electricity or, as now, micro-electronics.
Essentially there is no difference between the technological developments which are changing our lives today and earlier technical and scientific innovations, says Wolf Dieter Lindner, employer member of the ILO’s Governing Body. In an interview with ILO Information he stressed that it “is only the pace and scope of development of new technology that are extraordinary. However, its applications and hence the impact on the economy and the workforce are rather of an evolutionary character.”
In discussing the impact of new technology on productivity and employment, working conditions, job skills and training. Mr. Lindner-who is Director of Confederation of German Employers’ Association and Head of its International Social Policy Department-emphasizes that the importance of technical progress for the economy lies primarily in its capacity to increase productivity and thus reduce costs.
Introduction essential
Once new technology has been developed, it is an adapt-or-die situation enterprises and countries. Its introduction becomes essential for sustaining economic performance and competitiveness and hence for maintaining a satisfactory level of employment.
The use of new technology brings about structural changes through investments, which are constantly occurring in any economy.
The capital invested in machinery and equipment has always been undergoing renewal in any economies, and in the process available new technology has continually been introduced.
Furthermore, there is no reason to assume that current unemployment is the result of the introduction of new technology. In every economy, jobs are constantly being lost as a result of changes in demand and supply, while at the same time new jobs are being created.
Other factors
He explains that the present shortage of newly created jobs is essentially due to the fact that in past years investments serving to raise productivity were insufficient and many types of production ceased to be profitable as a result of excessively high labor costs and were partly taken over by low-wage countries. The main reasons for the lack investment were insufficient returns and profit expectations in companies as well as state intervention in the economy, which reduced the capacity of companies to react in a flexible manner to change occurring in the market.
Turning to working conditions, Mr. Lindner says that the increasing use of new technology will bring about significant changes in job organization and content and he foresees certain trends which include a reduction in monotonous, unhealthy and heavy physical labor while intellectual demands will rise and willingness for teamwork, together with the increased communication that this entails, will play an increasingly important role.

Teknologi Baru dan Ekonomi

Hal ini semua terjadi sebelum-permusuhan-kecurigaan-resistensi terhadap perubahan setelah pengenalan teknologi baru-apakah itu tenaga uap, listrik atau, seperti sekarang, mikro-elektronik.
Pada dasarnya tidak ada perbedaan antara perkembangan teknologi yang mengubah kehidupan kita hari ini dan inovasi teknis dan ilmiah sebelumnya, kata Wolf Dieter Lindner, anggota Badan ILO. Dalam sebuah wawancara dengan Informasi ILO ia menekankan bahwa "hanya kecepatan dan ruang lingkup pengembangan teknologi baru yang luar biasa. Namun, aplikasi dan dampaknya pada perekonomian dan tenaga kerja adalah dari karakter evolusi. "

Dalam membahas dampak teknologi baru pada produktivitas dan pekerjaan, kondisi kerja, keterampilan kerja dan pelatihan. Mr Lindner- Direktur Konfederasi Asosiasi Pengusaha Jerman dan Kepala Departemen Kebijakan Sosial Internasional menekankan bahwa pentingnya kemajuan teknis bagi perekonomian terletak terutama dalam kapasitasnya untuk meningkatkan produktivitas dan mengurangi biaya.

Pendahuluan penting

Setelah teknologi baru telah dikembangkan, itu adalah situasi beradaptasi-atau-mati perusahaan dan situasi negara. perkenalannya menjadi penting untuk mempertahankan kinerja ekonomi dan daya saing dan karenanya untuk mempertahankan tingkat kepuasan dari pekerjaan.
Penggunaan teknologi baru membawa perubahan struktural melalui investasi, yang terus-menerus terjadi dalam perekonomian apapun.

Modal yang diinvestasikan dalam mesin dan peralatan selalu mengalami pembaharuan dalam perekonomian, dan dalam proses teknologi baru yang tersedia telah terus-menerus diperkenalkan.

Selain itu, tidak ada alasan untuk menganggap bahwa pengangguran saat ini adalah hasil dari pengenalan teknologi baru. Dalam setiap perekonomian, pekerjaan yang terus-menerus hilang sebagai akibat dari perubahan permintaan dan pasokan, sementara pada saat yang sama pekerjaan baru diciptakan.

Faktor-faktor lain

Dia menjelaskan bahwa kekurangan pekerjaan baru saat ini pada dasarnya karena fakta bahwa dalam beberapa tahun terakhir pelayanan investasi untuk meningkatkan produktivitas yang cukup dan banyak jenis produksi lagi menjadi menguntungkan sebagai akibat dari biaya tenaga kerja terlalu tinggi dan sebagian diambil alih oleh negara berupah rendah.

Alasan utama untuk kurangnya investasi adalah pengembalian yg tidak cukup dan harapan keuntungan dalam perusahaan maupun intervensi negara dalam perekonomian, yang mengurangi kapasitas perusahaan untuk bereaksi dalam cara yang fleksibel untuk mengubah yang terjadi di pasar.

Beralih ke kondisi kerja, Mr Lindner mengatakan bahwa meningkatnya penggunaan teknologi baru akan membawa perubahan yang signifikan dalam organisasi kerja dan isinya dan ia meramalkan tren tertentu yang termasuk penurunan kerja fisik monoton, tidak sehat dan berat sementara tuntutan intelektual akan meningkat dan kesediaan untuk kerja sama tim, bersama dengan peningkatan komunikasi yang saat ini diperlukan, akan memainkan peran yang semakin penting.

1.       Hostility               : ill feeling,dislike
2.       Suspicion             : distrust;doubtfulness
3.       Extraordinary     : beciency, beyond hat is usual, unusual
4.       Shortage             : insufficiency,deficit

Top of Form

1.       Refer  to the text and decide whether the following statements are true (T) of false (F).Then, write T rue and F false in the given space.
a.       (T) The resistance to the introduction new technology exists. (Line 1-3)
b.      (T) According today wolf Dieter Linder, there is similarity between today technological developments and the past technical and scientific innovations. (Line 6-9)
c.       (T) The impacts of new technology are productivity increase and cost decrease. (Line 24-27)
d.      (F) The introduction of new technology can not maintain economic performance. (Line 31-32)
e.      (F) The introduction of new technology does not go continually. (Line 41)
f.        (F) government intervention can increase companies reaction to changes in the market. (Line 60)
g.       (F) The lack of investment is due to lack of profits. (Line 57-58)
h.      (F) The use of new technology will not create significant changes in job. (Line 65)
For point I to j, answer the following questions briefly !
i.         What reactions might come to the introduction of new technology ?  It is an adapt or die situation. (Line 29)

j.        What changes in job organization, and its content are brought by new technology ?
a reduction in monotonous, unhealthy and heavy physical labor while intellectual demands will rise and willingness for teamwork, together with the increased communication that this entails, will play an increasingly important role.(Line 65)

2.       Use the context provided to determine the probable meanings of the italicized words. Then write down your answer in the given space.

a.       Workforce (line 16): From its form and its context,”-its applications and hence the impact on the economy and the workforce …”-,this word probably mean manpower.
b.      Employment (line29):From its context,”-productivity and employment, working conditions, job skills and training …”,this word can mean job.
c.       Sustaining (line32): From its context,”….for sustaining economic performance and competitiveness  and hence for maintaining ….”, this word means maintaining.
d.      Constantly (line46): From what you know about the same word and its form, this word means regularly.
e.      The lack (line57): From its context ,”The main reasons for the lack of investment were insufficient returns..”, this word can mean insufficient.
B. Speaking
Questionnaire  : ask your group using the following quistionnair. Then write the result in the given table.
Questionnaire :
1.       Does new technology decrease empolyment?
2.       Does new technology increase empolyment?
3.       Do you think that new technology change job organization  and content?
4.       Do you think that introduction of new technology require educated people?
5.       Does new technology change our economy?

1.       People interviewed
2.       People say new technology increase empolyment
3.       People say new technology decrease empolyment
4.       People say new technology change job organization  and content
5.       People say introduction of new technology require educated people
6.       People say technology change our economy



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1.      Compare what you know about the topic with what you learned about it. Then, write down in the table below.
What you know about the topic
What you learned about the topic
New technology influences the economic condition of a country.
Its application affect the economy and the workforce are rather of an evolutionary character.
The developments of today’s technology and the earlier technology are different.
Essentially there is no difference between the technological developments which are changing our lives today and earlier technical and scientific innovations.
Technology in an industry is used to increase the production scale.
The importance of technical progress for the economy lies primarily in its capacity to increase productivity and thus reduce costs.
Technology will reduce the use of human resources.
There is no reason to assume that current unemployment is the result of the introduction of new technology. In every economy, jobs are constantly being lost as a result of changes in demand and supply, while at the same time new jobs are being created.

2.      Work with your friends in a group of four to discuss what you want to know more about the topic. Then, put it down in the table below. You can write questions or statements.
What you want to know more about the topic
How big is the impact of technology in the economy compared to other factors?
When was the start of the impact of technology on economic field?
Will the development of economy influence the development of technology?

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