Which class do you belong to?
Upper class
Upper middle class
c. Lower middle class
Upper lower class
e. Lower- Lower class
Before reading
1. What
do the words social and stratification mean to you?
Social is the
way of how the individuals are related.
is the level of social conditions that exist in the community.
2. Is
education included as one of the factors affecting social stratification?
Yes No
3. List
what you know about social stratification
using the following table:
4. Based
on what you know about the topic, tell your friends what ideas might be
discussed in the text you will read.
- We will discuss about social stratification
in the United States.
5. What
information do you expect from the text will you read?
I expect the
information about social stratification in the United States.
Read the text carefully
Social Stratification in the United
Stratifikasi Sosial di Amerika
Society is stratified by income, education, and opportunity. Social
stratification refers to the different segments of the population that exist in
a society. Some people live lives of luxury; most people do not. The layers-or
groupings-of people between two extremes-one example being wealth and poverty-are
the strata of society; better opportunities are generally available to people
toward the top.
Masyarakat ditingkatkan
oleh pendapatan, pendidikan, dan kesempatan. Stratifikasi sosial yaitu
perbedaan tingkatan penduduk yang ada di masyarkat. Beberapa orang hidup dalam
kehidupan yang mewah: kebanyakan orang tidak. Lapisan atau pengelompokan orang
antara dua ekstrem- satu contoh kekayaan dan kemiskinan- adalah tingkatan
sosial dalam masyarakat; kesempatan yang lebih baik pada umumnya tersedia bagi
orang – orang di tingkat atas.
The elements that differentiate social strata are wealth,
income, prestige, and power. The
amount and combination of elements that a person has places that person in a
particular stratum. Some people are born into wealth, others into lesser means.
Some earn their place in society, others inherit their positions. Income refers
to money earned while wealth refers to property owned that is of some, assessed
value. Both income and wealth can be measured; having plenty of either one increases
the odds of being in a higher social stratum or social class. But neither
ensures prestige or power. Sometimes prestige comes by birth; in other cases,
by deeds and actions. Power refers to mobilizing others to accomplish a
goal-setting policies for others to follow. Power can be gained through vested
authority or influence.
Unsur-unsur yang
membedakan strata sosial adalah kekayaan, pendapatan, prestise dan kekuasaan.
Jumlah dan kombinasi dari unsur-unsur tersebut yang seseorang memiliki
menempatkan orang tersebut dalam sebuah tingkatan tertentu. Beberapa orang
tertentu lahir dalam keadaan kaya, sementara yang lain dalam keadaan
kekurangan. Beberapa dari mereka mendapatkan tempat dalam masyrakat, yang lain
mewariskan kedudukan mereka. Pendapatan adalah uang yang didapat, sedangkan
kekayaan adalah barang-barang yang
dimiliki yang memilki nilai. Baik pendapatan maupun kekayaan dapat diukur;
memiliki banyak dari salah satunya meningkatkan peluang menempati lapisan sosial
atau kelas social yang lebih tinggi. Tetapi tidak menjamin martabat/wibawa atau
kekuasaan. Kadang-kadang martabat diperoleh melalui kelahiran; dalam kasus
lain, oleh perbuatan dan tindakan. Kekuatan yaitu mengerahkan orang lain untuk
mencapai tujuan-pengaturan kebijakan untuk orang lain untuk mengikuti. Kekuatan
dapat diperoleh melalui wewenang atau pengaruh yang diberikan.
Table 1 provides a breakdown of
income in the United States. When you break down the population by fifths, it
can be seen that the upper brackets control most of the income. The poorest
control only 5% of the income, while those in the highest income bracket
control nearly half (43%). This relationship has not changed over the last
three decades.
Tabel 1 memberikan rincian pendapatan di Amerika Serikat. Ketika
anda memecah penduduk menjadi satu perlima, dapat dilihat bahwa kurung yang
lebih atas mengendalikan sebagian besar pendapatan. Yang paling miskin
mengendalikan hanya 5% dari pendapatan, sementara orang-orang dalam golongan
pendapatan paling tinggi mengendalikan hampir setengahnya (43%). Hubungan ini
tidak berubah selama tiga dekade terakhir.
Socioeconomic characteristics such
as education, income, and wealth are used to define different social classes.
The lines between classes are sometimes blurred. Like income, the population is
not evenly distributed among social classes. As shown in Table 2, a very small
percent of the population is considered upper class (2%). As a result, this
group is often not the target of mass marketing appeals. The largest groups are
the lower-middle and upper-lower classes -36% and 38% respectively. This is a
huge market. The U.S. Bureau of the Census projects these segments to
constitute nearly 185 million people in the early 1990s-or nearly three
quarters of the U.S. population.
Karakteristik sosial
ekonomi seperti pendidikan, pendapatan dan kekayaan digunakan untuk menetapkan
perbedaan kelas sosial. Garis antar kelas kadang-kadang tidak jelas. Seperti
yang ditunjukkan dalam tabel 2, persentasi penduduk yang sangat kecil dianggap
kelas atas (2%). Akibatnya kelompok ini bukanlah yang sering menjadi target
massa untuk pemasaran yang menarik. Kelompok terbesar adalah kelas
menengah-bawah- dan kelas atas bawah – masing-masing 36% dan 38%. Ini adalah
pasar yang besar. Biro sensus Amerika Serikat memproyeksikan tingkatan tersebut
untuk mengangkat hampir 185 juta orang di awal tahun 1990-an atau hampir tiga
perempat dari penduduk Amerika Serikat.
1: Income Distribution in the United States
U.S. Population
Income percentage
Top fifth
Second fifth
Third fifth
Fourth fifth
Bottom fifth
Table 2: Social Class
Distribution in the United States
Class Title
% Population
Old wealth, some new
wealth, live the luxurious.
Upper Middle
business owners, successful, concerned with quality, future-oriented for self
and family.
Lower Middle
White collar, hard
Working, conforming to society, home, family, and future-oriented.
Upper Lower
Includes factory
workers, skilled workers, blue, collar, good incomes, less future oriented.
Lower- lower
Unskilled workers, moderates to low
incomes, oriented to the present, play it “safe” in life decisions.
1. Indicate
if statements a through j are true (T) or false (F). Then write the letter T
for true and F for False in the given space.
a. (False)
Society is stratified by income and education only. (Par 1 Line 1-
b. (True) Social
strata can be differentiated on the basis of wealth and
(Par 2. L 2-3)
c. (True) Income and wealth are measurable elements of
social strata.
(Par 2. L 10-11)
d. (True)
Prestige can be given or acquired.(Par 2. Line
e. (False) Table 1 shows that the poorest in
the United States control almost
of the income. (Par.
3 Line 4-6)
f. (True) Table
1 also indicates that the have control nearly 43% of the
(On the table 1)
g. (True) Socioeconomic features are used to define
social classes.
(Par. 4, Line 1-3)
h. (False) Income could be evenly distributed among
social classes.
(Par 4. Line 4-5)
(True) Table 2 shows that lower class is dominant in
U.S. population.
(on the table 2)
From table 2 we know that lower class is
dominated by skilled
(on the table 2)
For point K to O answer the following questions!
k. What
factors are commonly used to define social strata?
Factors commonly used to define social strata are income, education,
and opportunity. (paragraph 1, Line 1 -2 )
What does social
stratification mean?
Social stratification refers to different segments of the population
that exist in a society. (Paragraph 1, Line 2-4)
m. How
can people attain prestige?
People can attain
prestige by birth; in other cases, by deeds and
(Paragraph 2, Line 13-14)
n. Table
1 shows us the income distribution in the U.S. Who controls the income in the
U.S.? What percentage do they control?
From the Table 1, the upper brackets control most of the income. They
control 43%.
(On the table 1)
o. What
percentage of the combined middle class can you find in the U.S. Population
distribution? In what fields are the middle class involved in?
The combined middle class is 47 %. The middle class involved in professionals, business owners, successful,
concerned with quality, future-oriented for self and family. Then, white
collar, hard Working, conforming to society, home, family, and future oriented.
(On the table 2)
Map the main ideas of
the text you read using the following web. Use only the key words or phrases.
Par. 1
Social Stratification Means
Par. 2
The elements of social strata
Par. 3
breakdown of income in U.S.
Socioeconomic Characteristic
Find out words in the
text that can be associated with “social stratification”. Use the following concept
map as examples!
Play is safe in
life decision |
Less future oriented
workers |
Moderate the present
Moderate low income
Future oriented
collar |
Lower middle
Hard working
Some new wealth
Upper class
Old wealth
Many words have more
than one meaning. When you use dictionary to find the word live, for example,
you need to use the context to determine which definition is appropriate.
use the portion of the dictionary provided here to find out appropriate
definition of each of the italicized words.
Some people live lives of luxury.
Live high (P. 1 L.13)
They want to see live performance.
Made up of actual persons (P. 2 L. 17)
can be attained through vested authority.
The possesion of control or command over others (P. 3 L. 5)
The door can shut
automatically using its own power.
Ability to do r act capability (P.3. L 1-2)
Here are expressions to
be used when you are asking if someone agrees to what you said.
1. Study
the following expressions carefully and then use them in your
group discussion.
Do you agree with his
Is his suggestion
I wonder if you would
agree with……?
Would you agree with
such a suggestion?
Would you agree with
such a proposal?
Discuss with your
friends factors influencing social stratification. The following outline may
help you start the discussion.
You may say that
education influences social stratification.
Give some reason: for
Third,….. etc.
You should the check if
your friend agree with your opinion.
Don’t forget to use the
expressions mention above.
A : I think that education is influence of social stratification
Would you agree with
such a suggestion?
B : Yes, I agree that
education influences of social stratification.
A : If you agree with it, please give me some reason for that.
B : The reason why I agree it
First, if someone’ social status is high, so he has the opportunity to get higher education. And if his social status is low but he has a high education, it can change his social stratification.
First, if someone’ social status is high, so he has the opportunity to get higher education. And if his social status is low but he has a high education, it can change his social stratification.
Second, social status is
determined by economic status, level education, and occupation.
Third, theories on the
effect of social stratification on the education one pursues vary to some
degree, but the general consensus is that the resources made available to those
of the middle and upper classes as well as the influence of more educated
parents give children of the middle and upper classes a decided advantages when
choosing an educational path.
I wonder if you would agree with my suggestion?
A : Yes, I agree with your
B : Thank you.
Discuss and compare what you know about the
topic with what you learned about the topic. Then write down in the table
I know about the topic
I learned about the topic
Society is
stratified by income.
Job influences
social stratification.
Society is stratified by
Educated people have high level in
Society is stratified by
Better opportunity place someone
on the top of social stratification.
Wealth is one element that differentiates
social strata.
More wealth people, then upper
their status in the society.
Social strata are also
differentiated by prestige and power.
Sometime prestige comes by birth,
in other case, by deeds and actions. Then, power can be gained through vested
authority or influence.
Socioeconomic characteristics such
as education, income, and wealth are used to define different social classes.
Rich people and educated people belong
to middle or upper class in the society.
Write also you want to know more about the
topic in the following table.
I want to know more about the topic
Is social
stratification changing?
What is the aim of social
Who placed people in a level of
social stratification?
Does social stratification
influence someone’s life?
Is someone social stratum
derivable from his parents?
Are any elements else that
differentiate social strata besides wealth, income, prestige, and power?
with your friends the possible comparison between social stratification in the
U.S. with that of Indonesia. Write down your comparison using the given table.
Stratification in the U.S.
Stratification in Indonesia
Society is stratified by income,
education, and opportunity.
Society is stratified by income,
education, and opportunity.
The elements that differentiate
social strata are wealth, income, prestige, and power.
The elements that differentiate
social strata are wealth, authority, knowledge, and honorary
The aim of social stratification
is to place someone based on their position in the society so that there are
respecting and appreciation among the society.
The aim of social stratification
is to place someone based on their position in the society so that there are respecting
and appreciation among the society.
middle and upper class society is more than lower class society.
lower and middle class societies are still more than upper class society.
The Comparison between Social
Stratification in United States and in Indonesia
In sociology, social stratification is a concept
involving the classification of people into groups based on shared
socio-economic conditions; a relational set of inequalities with economic,
social, political and ideological dimensions. Basically, there are no significant differences between
social stratification in United State and social stratification in Indonesia.
In the United State, society is stratified by
income, education, and opportunity. The elements that differentiate social
strata are wealth, income, prestige, and power. The aim of social
stratification is to place someone based on their position in the society so
that there are respecting and appreciation among the society. Because United
State is developed country, the middle and upper class society is more than
lower class society.
As In United State, in
Indonesia society is stratified by income, education, and opportunity.
The elements that differentiate social strata are wealth, authority, knowledge,
and honorary. The aim of social stratification is to place someone based on
their position in the society so that there are respecting and appreciation
among the society. The lower and middle
class society is still more than upper class society because Indonesia is
developing country.
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