Do you learn a lot from your family?
Yes No
Write at least two things you learn from
your family.
Answer: I learn to
speak, two write, to socialize from my family.
Ask the following questions briefly.
a. What
does the word “socialization” mean to you?
Answer: Socialization
is the condition when we interact with other people.
b. Does
your socialization start from home environment?

List the order of
socialization you experienced. Use the squeres below to indicate the order.

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a. Can you predict the inforation
included in the text you will read?

b. If yes, write down
the information that you think will be included in the text.
I think the text is about socialization that we get when we alive.
the text carefully!
As a child grows
up, he learn how to behave in ways which are appropriate to the society into
which he is born. That is to say, he acquares the patterns of behaviour which
are accepted as normal in his society. This process of social learning is
generally referred to as socialization. By socialization, then, we mean the
process whereby individuals learn the rules, values and practices of the
society in which they live. Generally speaking, we can say that this is brought
about in two ways. Firstly, as a result of the child’s upbringing, or the
natural interaction with the members of his family and other people in his
immediate social environtment, and, secondly, as a result of formal education.
In some societies we find a certain degree of formal intruction included as
part of the upbringing of the child. This occurs, for example, when children
are taught certain kinds of ritual behaviour by members of their family or
local community. In most societies, however, formal education is differentiated
from upbringing and is conducted as a separate operation. Although this is and
over simplification, let us the momment use the term primary socialization to
refer to social learning that takes place as part of upbringing as a
consequence of the individuals participation in the life of his family and his
immediate community. The social learning that results from formal education we
will refer to as secondary socialization’.
It is possible to argue that the differentiation of
the two kinds of socialization is to some extent explained by reference to the
complex manpower requirements of the modern state. The social learning acquired
through upbringing often needs to be extended because it does not provide for
the national need in many countries for trained personnel like clerical
workers, technicians, civil servants and so on. In this respect secondary socialization
can be regarded as complementary to primary socialization. The former, we might
say, provides the individual with skills which allow him to take on specialist
employment and to have a role in a larger social environment, whereas the
letter allows him to be integrated into the particular social group into which
he is born. Thus we might argue that primary socialization defines the
individuals role in a small social group and enables him to identify himself as
a member of his family and his local community. Secondary socialization, on the
other hand, provides for the individual’s role in society as a whole and enables
him to identify, we might say that the first kind of socialization provides a
sense of security and social integration whereas the second provides
opportunity and the possibility of social mobility.
although it can be argued that the two forms of socialization support each
other, it is also true that in some respects they may be in conflict. The ways
of thinking which are taught in formal education are often contrary to those
learned in primary socialization. Indeed, it is often the very purpose of
education to replace patterns of throght primary ocialization with others which
are considered to be more rational or efficient. For example, there maybe
certain ritualistic or religious practices which are based on beliefs which are
contrary to scientific fact. Again, certain social customs may be inconsistent
with principles of efficiency in production and management. The way in which a
language is used in formal education, and in some cases the actual language
itself, may be very different from what the learner is accustomed to in the
social environtment of his home and local community. As he learns new ways of using
language, the patterns of thinking acquired in primary socialization will tend
to be changed.
Widdowsen & J>P>b> Allen, 1978)
1. Refer
to the text and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false
(F). Then, write T for true and F for false in the given space.
a. ( )
The process of acquiring the patterns of accepted behavior in society is
called socialization.
b. ( )
The natural interaction between children and the members of their
families and their immediate social surroundings refers to ‘secondary
c. ( )
In all societies, formal education is similar to education given in home
d. ( )
The social learning attained in home or immediate social environment can
provide national need for all countries.
e. ( )
Trained and skilled workers like technicians can be provided by formal
f. ( )
Primary socialization can provide individuals with role in their
immediate society.
g. ( )
The possible social mobility or individuals can be attained through
secondary socialization.
h. ( )
The two forms of socialization are always in conflict.
a. T
(line 3-7)
b. F
(line 30-32)
c. F
(line 23-24)
d. F
(line 37-40)
e. T
(line 37-50)
f. F
(line 50-54)
g. T
(line 60-62)
h. F
(line 65-66)
For point i to
j, answer the questions below concisely!
i. What
is the difference between primary socialization and secondary socialization?
j. What
does secondary socialization provide individuals with?
The answers:
i. Primary
socialization refers to social learning that takes place as part of upbringing
while secondary socialization refers to social learning that results from
formal education.
j. Secondary
socialization provides for the individuals role in society as a whole and
enables him to identify himself as a citizen of the state.
2. Replace
the word(s) in italic with other words or expressions to make the meaning
a. “…..he acquires the patterns of behavior
which are accepted as normal in his
society”. (line 3-5)
b. “…..this is brought about in two ways…..”
(line 11)
c. Although
this is an over-simplification …..”
(line 24-25)
d. The former,
we might say, provides the individual with skills…..” (line 44-45)
e. “…..the letter allows him to be integrated
into the particular social group…..” (line 48-49)
The answers:
a. A
child grows up (line 1)
b. Socialization
(line 7)
c. Primary
socialization (line 26)
d. Secondary
socialization (line 42)
e. Primary
socialization (line 43-44)
Based on the text you read, ask your friend about
things she/he learns from home environment and from his/her society. Use the
following dialog as guide.
A (you) B (your friend
A : Can you tell me what you learn from home
B : Sure, a lot of things I learn from home.
learn to speak and read from my mother …..
The answer: My father and my
A : How about from …..
The answer: School,
B : I learn …..
The answer: How to count, to write
and to read.
A : Do you learn similar things from society?
B : …..
The answer: No, I don’t.
A : Can you …..
The Answer: Tell me what you learn
from society.
B : Well, I learn …..
The answer: How to interact with
other people.
1. From the text we can infer that there are two types
of socialization, primary and secondary socialization. Now, work with your
friend to discuss the educational practices that can be related to the two
Write down the result of your discussion on the table below.
Educational practices associated
with primary socialization
Educational practices
associated with secondary socialization
Learning accepted behavior
Learning a certain skill
Learning a certain language
Learning religion
2. Compare what you know about socialization with what
you learned about it from the text. Then
write it down in the table below.
What you know about socialization
What you learned about it from the text
Socialization is the condition when we interact with
other people.
is the process of social learning
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