Jumat, 31 Januari 2014



A.   Reading
About You
a.                     I have a small family
b.                     I have a big family
1.    How many brothers and sisters do you have?
I have . . . brother / s
a.    Four    b.Three        c.Two              d.One              e.No
I have . . . sister / s
a.    Four    b.Three        c.Two              d.One              e.No
Before reading
1.    Look at the following pictures.
a.    How many people are there in the first picture?
     There are four people.
b.    How many daughters and sons does this family have?
     There are one daughter and one son.
c.    How many people are there in the second picture?
     There are four people.

d.   How many sons and daughters does this family have?
     There are one son and one daughter.
Description: C:\Users\alip\Documents\C360_2014-01-06-15-19-53-872.jpgDescription: C:\Users\alip\Documents\C360_2014-01-06-15-20-06-895.jpg
The Family
Most social anthropologists recognize the family as a basic social unit. In its most elementary form it may be defined as a group consisting of a man and a woman and their children living together in one home. Such a domestic group is known as a nuclear family. It is usually established by means of a formal contract of marriage, but a contract of this kind is not a necessary condition for a nuclear family to exist. It can also be said to exist when a couple nad their offspring share a common residence, whether the couple is married or not. That is to say, a family may exist even when the relationship between the man and the woman is one of concubinage rather than one of marriage.
Although we can, in general, define the nuclear family as a couple and their children living within the same reseidental boundary, we must recognize that such a definition is in fact a generalization which may not hold true in particular instances. Sometimes a nuclear family is incomplete in that one spouse is absent from the household. When a family is incomplete it is usually the man rather than the woman who is away from home. Such a situation may be the result of social convention. For examples, among the Ashanti, a tribe living in Ghana, spouses continue to reside with their own kin after marriage and do not live together as husband and wife. On the other hand, a nuclear family may be incomplete by reason of economic necessity. Sometimes, for examples, a man has to leave his family to work to another part of the country or in a different country altogether. This is the case with many workers in South Africa and with foreign workers in France and Germany.
The nuclear family may be extended by the addition of the other people living within the same residential boundary. So far we have been assuming that the family is always based on monogamous marriages that is to say, that it has only one man and one woman living together as husband and wife. But monogamy is only one form of marriage. In societies where polygamy is practised the family will, of course, include more than two spouses. In the case of polygyny, it will include one husband and more than one wife, and in the case of polyandry, it will include one wife and more than one husband. In a polygynous society, therefore, the nuclear family will be extended by the addition of one or more wives and in polyandrous societies, it will be extended by the addition of one or more husbands.
In both monogamous and polygamous societies, families may also be extended by the addition of related people. In some, for example, people like servants and workmen live with the family as members of the household. Again, one often finds that families are extended by the addition of consanguineal relatives, or kin, of one or more, of the marriage partners and so on. Affinal relatives like brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law and so on may also become members of the family and share a common residence with the brother or sister of their spouses.


Kebanyakan Antropolog sosial mengakui bahwa keluarga sebagai satuan sosial dasar . Dalam bentuk yang paling dasar yang mungkin dapat didefinisikan sebagai kelompok yang terdiri dari seorang pria dan seorang wanita dan anak-anak mereka hidup bersama dalam satu rumah. Kelompok rumah tangga tersebut dikenal sebagai Nuclear Family. Hal ini biasanya ditetapkan melalui kontrak resmi menikah, tapi kontrak semacam ini bukanlah kondisi yang diperlukan untuk keberadaan Nuclear Family. Hal ini juga dapat dikatakan mengadakan ketika sebuah pasanagan dan anak-anaknya dan bertempat tinggal di pemukiman umum, apakah pasangan tersebut menikah atau tidak. Artinya, sebuah keluarga mungkin ada bahkan ketika hubungan antara pria dan wanita adalah salah satu Concubinage lebih dari satu pernikahan.

Secara umum, Meskipun kita dapat, menentukan Nuclear Family sebagai sebuah pasangan dan anak-anak mereka hidup dalam batas kediaman yang sama, kita harus mengakui bahwa definisi tersebut sebenarnya adalah sebuah generalisasi yang mungkin tidak berlaku dalam kasus tertentu. Kadang-kadang Nuclear Family tidak lengkap dimana salah satu pasangan tidak ada dari rumah tangga. Ketika keluarga tidak lengkap biasanya seorang pria lebih sering tinggal jauh dari rumah daripada wanita. Situasi seperti itu mungkin merupakan hasil dari kebiasaan sosial. Untuk contoh, antara Ashanti, suku yang hidup di Ghana, pasangan terus tinggal bersama kerabat mereka sendiri setelah menikah dan tidak tinggal bersama sebagai suami dan istri. Di sisi lain, Nuclear Family mungkin tidak lengkap dengan alasan kebutuhan ekonomi. Kadang-kadang, sebagai contoh, seorang pria harus meninggalkan keluarganya untuk bekerja ke bagian lain dari negaranya sendiri atau di negara lain. Ini adalah kasus dengan banyak pekerja di Afrika Selatan dan dengan pekerja asing di Perancis dan Jerman.
Nuclear Family dapat diperluas dengan penambahan orang lain yang tinggal dalam batas perumahan yang sama. Sejauh ini kita telah mengasumsikan bahwa keluarga selalu didasarkan pada pernikahan monogami yang bisa dikatakan, bahwa hanya ada satu pria dan satu wanita hidup bersama sebagai suami dan istri. Tapi monogami adalah satu bentuk perkawinan. Dalam masyarakat di mana poligami dilakukan atas dasar keinginan keluarga, tentu saja, termasuk lebih dari dua pasangan. Dalam kasus poligini, itu akan mencakup satu suami dan lebih dari satu istri, dan dalam kasus poliandri, itu akan mencakup satu istri dan lebih dari satu suami. Oleh karena itu dalam masyarakat pelaku poligini, Nuclear Family akan diperluas dengan penambahan satu atau lebih istri dan dalam masyarakat pelaku polyandri, itu akan diperluas dengan penambahan satu atau lebih suami.
Dalam masyarakat baik monogami dan poligami, keluarga juga dapat diperluas dengan penambahan orang yang memiliki kekerabatan atau tidak. sebagai contoh, dalam beberapa kasus, orang-orang seperti pelayan dan pekerja hidup dengan keluarga sebagai anggota rumah tangga. Dan ada juga kasus terjadi bahwa keluarga yang diperluas dengan penambahan kerabat yang memiliki hubungan darah dengan keluarga tersebut, atau keluarga , dari satu atau lebih, pasangan perkawinan, seperti saudara laki-laki, saudara perempuan, ayah, kakek, dan lain sebagainya. Kerabat Affinal seperti saudara ipar laki-laki, saudara ipar perempuan, dan sebagainya juga dapat menjadi anggota keluarga dan berbagi tempat tinggal yang sama dengan saudara atau saudari dari pasangan mereka .
1.      Nuclear family      : family composed of father, mother, and children
2.      Offspring              : children
3.      Concubinage         : woman who lives with a moan without being lawfully married to him
4.      Kin                        : family
5.      Affinal                  : related by or concerning marriage

1.        Refer to the text. Determine whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). Then, write T for true and F for false in the given space.
a.       ( T )       A nuclear family is a couple who has children and has a shared home. Line 4-5
b.      ( T )       A nuclear family is characterized by legal marriage. Line 6
c.       ( T )       A family always has a common residence and children. Line 11-12
d.      ( F )       A complete family is the one whose woman is absen from the household. Line 22
e.       ( F )       The man is always away from home for economic reasons. Line 33
f.       ( F )       Foreign workers in Germany are not at home because of social convention. Line 30-35
g.      ( T )       In some families, there are two wives. Line 48-49
h.      ( F )       In monogamous societies there are more than two husbands in the family. Line 42-44
i.        ( T )       In polygamous societies, a man can marry with two wives. Line 51-55
j.        ( T )       In some societies, families members include servants. Line 57-59
For point k-o, answer the questions concisely!
k.      What is the difference between monogamous society and polygamous society?
Answer: In the monogamous society, it has only one man and one woman living together as husband and wife. On the other hand, in polygamous society include more than two spouses.
l.        What is the definition of family according to social anthropologists?
Answer: A family as a group consisting of a man and a woman and their children living together in one home.
m.    What is meant by a nuclear family?
Answer: Nuclear family is family composed of father, mother, and children.
n.      Why is the man absent from a family?
Answer: There are two reasons why the man absent from a family, they are the result of social convention and economic necessity.
o.      How can we differentiate between polygamous society from polyandrous society?
Answer: In a polygyny society, therefore, the nuclear family will be extended by the addition of one or more wives and in polyandrous societies it will be extended by the addition of one or more husbands.

2.    Refer to the contexts in the text and replace words or expressions printed in italics to make the meaning clear. Then, put them in the given space.
a.    The family                     : In its most elementary form it may be defined as a group consisting of a man and a woman and their children living together in one home.(line 3)
b.    A group consisting of a man and a woman and their children living together in one  home                            : Such a domestic group is known as a nuclear family.(line 5-6)
c.    Nuclear family               : It is usually established by means of a formal contract of marriage. (line 6-8)
d.   Incomplete family         : Such a situation may be the result of social convention. (line 25-26)
e.    Polygyny                       : In the case of polygyny, it will include one husband and more than one wife. (line 47-48)

3.    Now, complete the following family tree diagram using words related to kindship and family based on the given description.
Description: this nuclear family consists of a husband and wife, their one son and two
daughters, husband’s father and mother and wife’s mother and father.

Husband’s sister
Husband’s brother
Wife’s father
Wife’s mother
Wife’s sister
Husband’s father
Husband’s mother
Description: C:\Users\alip\Documents\C360_2014-01-06-14-55-54-208.jpg

B. Speaking
1.    Work in a group of five. Ask your friends about their family using the following questions.
A: (you)      B: (your friend)
A : Do your father and mother still alive?
B : Yes, they do.
A : What does your father do?
B : My father teaches in Elementary School.
A : What does your mother do?
B : My mother works as a nurse.
A : How many brothers and sisters do you have?
B : I have one brother and one sister.
A : Are they students?
B : Yes, they are.
2. Based on your conversation with your friends, fill out the following table by writing number of their family members.
Names of your friends
Family members
1. Michele
2. Alip
3. Ryan
4. Rama

C.                 Writing
Compare what you know about family and kindship relation in your language with what you learned from the text. Then, write your comparison in the following table.
What I know about family and kindship relation
What I learned about family and kindship relation
Saudara laki-laki
Saudara perempuan
Saudara ipar laki-laki
Saudara ipar perempuan

Most social anthropologists recognize the family as a basic social unit. In its most elementary form it  may be defined as a group consisting of a man and a woman and their children living together in one home. Such a domestic group is known as a nuclear family. It is usually established by means of a formal contract of marriage, but a contract of this kind is not a necessary condition for a nuclear family to exist. It can also be said to exist when a couple nad their offspring share a common residence, whether the couple is married or not.
Sometimes a nuclear family is incomplete in that one spouse is absent from the household. When a family is incomplete it is usually the man rather than the woman who is away from home. Such a situation may be the result of social convention or economic necessity.
In societies where polygamy is practised the family will, of course, include more than two spouses. In the case of polygyny, it will include one husband and more than one wife, and in the case of polyandry, it will include one wife and more than one husband. In a polygynous society, therefore, the nuclear family will be extended by the addition of one or more wives and in polyandrous societies, it will be extended by the addition of one or more husbands.

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