Jumat, 31 Januari 2014


A.    Reading
About You

Do you know the number of Indonesian population in 1995? Put a tick (√) in the given box to show your answer.
Yes           No                  
If your answer is yes, tell the number of Indonesian population exactly.
Answer: Indonesia's population was 194.7 million in 1995.

Before Reading
1.      Ask your friend about his/her prediction using the given guided questions!
a.       What do you think of the Indonesian population today?
b.      Do you think that Indonesian population will double in 2500?
c.       What population problems will we have in the future?
d.      What efforts do you think will be effective to prevent population growth?
e.       Do you think that birth control programs are effective in our country?

2.      Write down what your friend tells you by using the given table.

Your questions
What your friend tells you





1.      The Indonesian population today is crowded. With a population of around 260 million people in 2013, Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world.
2.      Yes, because the Jakarta Post reported in 2013 that Indonesia's population will double in just 40 years from 119 million in 1971 to 240 million in 2010, based on figures from the Central Bureau of Statistics. In 40 years, the population is expected to climb much higher.
3.      Many are quick to blame the poor groups and low-income families as a major cause for uncontrolled population growth, which in turn resulted in increased poverty and trigger a variety of social, economic, security, ecology and public health problems.
4.      There are several efforts that can be used to prevent population growth, including:
a.       Implement family planning programs (KB: 2 children are better).
b.      Delay the early marriage.
c.       Flatten of population growth.
5.      Yes, because birth control can reduce the numbers of population growth in Indonesia.


Crowded Earth – Billions More Coming
More than 6 billion people in a world that already is having trouble supporting about 4 billion.
Lebih dari 6 miliar orang di dunia, 4 miliar diantaranya sudah mengalami kesulitan.
That is the prospect now being held out by population experts, and it frightens them.
Itu adalah sebuah pandangan kini yang disodorkan oleh para ahli penduduk, dan itu menakutkan mereka.
A new projection by the United Nations shows that, if the present growth rate of 2 percent per year continues, today’s world population of 3.9 billion will hit 6.4 billion by the year 2000.
Sebuah proyeksi baru oleh PBB menunjukkan bahwa, jika tingkat pertumbuhan saat ini 2 persen per tahun berlanjut, maka penduduk dunia yang saat ini 3,9 miliar akan mencapai 6,4 miliar pada tahun 2000.
What’s more, the great bulk of the growth- 9 of every 10 people added to the earth’s population – will be in the poorer, undeveloped countries. These are the nations where feeding billions of people already is proving a nearinsurmountable challenge.
Terlebih lagi, sebagian besar pertumbuhan-9 dari setiap 10 orang ditambahkan ke penduduk bumi - akan berada dalam kemiskinan, di negara-negara berkembang. Ini adalah negara-negara di mana memberi makan miliaran orang telah membuktikan bahwa sebuah tantangan dapat diatasi.
By the year 2000, today’s “have not” nations will have a combined population of 5 billion people, comprising nearly four fifths of the world’s population.
Pada tahun 2000, saat ini "belum" negara-negara akan memiliki populasi gabungan dari 5 miliar orang, yang terdiri dari hampir empat perlima dari populasi dunia.
Food isn’t the only problem that such a population explosion presents. The more people there are and the more crowded their living conditions, authorities warn, the greater grows the likelihood of violence and upheaval.
Makanan bukan satu-satunya masalah yang disebabkan oleh ledakan penduduk. Semakin banyak orang di sana dan semakin sesak kondisi hidup mereka, pihak berwenang memperingatkan, semakin besar kemungkinan tumbuh kekerasan dan perselisihan.
According to U.N. projections, half of all the earth’s people will be living in urban areas by the year 2000, up from 37 percent today.
Menurut perkiraan PBB, setengah dari semua orang di Bumi akan tinggal di daerah perkotaan pada tahun 2000, meningkat 37 persen dari saat ini.
From time of christ-. To put this growth in perspective-
Pada zaman Kristus. Untuk menempatkan pertumbuhan ini dalam perspektif -
At the time of Chirst, millions of years after man first appeared on the earth, demographers estimate there were 250 million people.
Pada zaman kristus, jutaan tahun setelah manusia pertama kali muncul di bumi, ahli demografi memperkirakan ada 250 juta orang.
In 1830, world population reached 1 billion. It took only 100 more years to add another billion to world population; just 30 more to add a third billion. And it will have taken just 15 more years to reach the 4 billion mark in 1975.
Pada tahun 1830, populasi dunia mencapai 1 miliar. Butuh waktu hanya 100 tahun lagi untuk menambah miliaran penduduk dunia, hanya 30 tahun lebih untuk menambah tiga miliar. Dan itu akan memakan waktu 15 tahun lagi untuk mencapai 4 miliar pada tahun 1975.
Actually, the world’s birth rate is on a decline. But so are death rates, as medical advances have increased life spans and reduced infant mortality.
Sebenarnya, tingkat kelahiran di dunia sedang berada pada penurunan. Tapi begitu juga angka kematian, dengan kemajuan medis telah meningkatkan masa hidup dan mengurangi kematian bayi.

Average world life expectancy, the U.N. says, has increased by 20 years over the past three decades.
Harapan hidup rata-rata dunia, PBB mengatakan, telah meningkat selama 20 tahun selama tiga dekade terakhir.
It’s mainly in advanced nations that population growth is being curbed.
Ini terutama di negara-negara maju yang pertumbuhan penduduknya sedang dibatasi.
The outlook beyond 2000 is even more threatening. Unless population growth is curtailed, a world population of 12 billion is foreseen in a century. One question raised by demographers:
Prediksi setelah tahun 2000 bahkan lebih mengancam. Kecuali pertumbuhan penduduk dibatasi, populasi dunia yang akan mencapai 12 miliar diramalkan dalam satu abad. Satu pertanyaan yang diajukan oleh ahli demografi:
Is the earth capable of providing a decent life for 12 billion people?
Apakah bumi mampu memberikan kehidupan yang layak bagi 12 miliar orang?


Description: Image0001.JPG

Description: Image0001.JPG            II

Description: Scan10004.BMP

Text Box: 1 bulk  : quantity
2 violence : roughness, brutality
3 upheaval : explosion
4 demographers : people who are experts in population


1        Refer to the text and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). Ther, write T for true and F for false in the given space.

a.       ( F )   The growth of world population does not frighten the experts
          ( P 2, Line 5 )
           The growth of world population frighten the experts.
b.      ( F )   If the 1974 population growth rate of 2% per year continues, today’s
          world population will be 3.9 billion. ( P 3, Line 7-10 )
          If the present growth rate of 2% per year continues, today’s
          world population will be 3.9 billion.
c.       ( T )   The highest population growth is found among the undeveloped
           countries. ( P 4, Line 11-13 )
d.      ( T )   By the year 2000, the population in undeveloped countries will
          double. ( P 3, Line 7-10 )
e.       ( F )   Food is the only problem faced in the situation where a population
          explosion exists. ( P 6, Line 21 )
          Food isn’t the only problem faced in the situation where a 
          Population explosion exists.  Authorities warn, the greater grows the
          likelihood of violence and upheaval.
f.       ( T )   Based on United Nation projections, nearly half of world population
          will be living in urban areas. ( P 7, Line 26-29 )
g.      ( T )   In 1975, world population will reach 4 billion. ( P 10, Line 38-40 )
h.      ( F )   The world’ birth rate decreases, yet the death rate increases.
          ( P 11, Line 41-42 )
          Actually, the world’s birth rate is on a decline, but so are death rates.
i.        ( T )   Life expectancy tends to increase in the world. ( P 12, Line 45-47 )
j.        ( T )   If world population growth can be reduced, the world problems
          caused by it will not be threatening. ( P 14, Line 50-54 )

For point K to O, answer the following questions consicely.
k.      How many population will be in the world in 1974?
Answer : Almost 4 billion
l.        How many people will be reached in the world by the year 2500 if in the year 2000 the growth rate is still 2 percent per year?
Answer : The people in the world will be reached 60 billion in 2500 year.
m.    Which region has the highest increase in the population growth?
Answer : Africa has the highest increase in the population growth.
n.      Why is the population growth in European countries lower than that of African countries?
Answer :  Because most of the countries in Europe is a developed country, the growth in population in Europe is lower than the population growth in Africa. because most of the countries in Africa is a developing country.
o.      Based on the 1973 population data, which country indicates the highest growth?
Answer :  China is the country indicates the highest growth.

2        Refer to the relevant contexts in the text and replace and expand the expressions or words printed in italics with other words or expressions which make the meaning clear.

a.       If the proposal growth rate of 2% per year continues, today’s world population will hit 6.4 billion by the year 2000. (line 7)
Answer: If the current growth rate of 2% per year continues, today’s world population will hit 6.4 billion by the year 2000.
b.      Today’s “have not” nations will have a combined population of 5 billion people. (line 17)
Answer: Today’s nations haven’t had a combined population of 5 billion people yet.
c.       Food isn’t the only problem that such a population explosion presents.
Answer: Food isn’t the only problem caused by the population explosion now.
d.      To put this growth in perspective (line 30)
Answer: The growth seen in perspective.
e.       It took only 100 more years to add another billion to world population. (line36)
Answer: An increasing world population took only 100 more years to add another billion to world population.

3        Identify and arrange the main idea of each paragraph using the following flow chart! The first paragraph has been done for you.

Paragraph 1
Text Box: World has trouble to support its population

Paragraph 2
Text Box: The growth of population frightens the experts.

Paragraph 3
Text Box: The growth rate of world population.

Paragraph 4
Text Box: The effect of high population growth in the undeveloped countries

Paragraph 5
Text Box: In the year 2000 “have not” nations will have a combined population of 5 billion people¯

Paragraph 6
Text Box: The cause of population explosion present.

Paragraph 7
Text Box: The half of all the earth’s people will be living in urban areas.

Paragraph 8
Text Box: The growth seen at the time of Christ.

Paragraph 9
Text Box: The world population at the time of Christ.

Paragraph 10
Text Box: The increasing world population from 1830 to 1975.

Paragraph 11
Text Box: The cause of population explosion present.

Paragraph 12
Text Box: Average world life expectancy has increased.

Paragraph 13
Text Box: The advance nations that population growth is being cubed.

Paragraph 14
Text Box: Passing the 2000, the world population is more threatening.

Paragraph 15
Text Box: Whether the earth capable of providing a decent .life

B.   Speaking

1.      Now, ask your friend about what he/she wants to know more about the topic they read. Use the following guided questions.
Text Box: You (A)
A. So, what do you want to know more about population problem?
A. We have here some programs like birth control.
A. That’s also the effort to overcome population problem.
A. Governments’ incentives.
A. The governments can inform the populace about the costs of raising more than a set number of children.Text Box: Your friend (B)
B. Well, I want to know about how to prevent population growth?
B. I see. How about transmigration?
B. Can you tell me another one?

B. What think that can they do?

C .   Writing
1.      Compare what you know about world population which what you learned about it from the text you read. Write your comparison in the given table.

What I know about the topic
What I learned about the topic from the text
1.      According to the United States Census Bureau population clock given in percent each country’s population of the world is estimated at 7.133 billion.
2.      Based on the article that I already read, Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world at 2013.
3.      In 2008, for the first time in history, more than half of the world’s population will be living in towns and cities.
4.      Problems to be faced as a result of increasing population growth are food, energy, and shelter.
5.      The report found that most of the country with very high birth rate - more than 5 children per woman - in the list of countries the United Nations as least developed.
1.      A new projection by the United Nations shows that, if the present growth rate of 2 percent per year continues, today’s world population of 3.9 billion will hit 6.4 billion by the year 2000.

2.      Based on the text, Indonesia is the fifth most populous country in the world at 1973.

3.      Half of all the earth’s people will be living in urban areas by the year 2000.

4.      Food isn’t the only problem that such a population explosion presents.

5.      The great bulk of the growth- 9 of every 10 people added to the earth’s population – will be in the poorer, undeveloped countries.
2.      Look at the data of population in 25 countries. Then, put the population data of 11 Asian countries in the following graph.


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