Jumat, 31 Januari 2014



A.    Reading
About You
1.      In what age are you living now?
19 century             20 century             21 century ü        22 century    

2.      Do you know the biggest event in this century?
Yes  ü       No

3.      If yes, what event? The great tsunami happened in Aceh in 2006, the wave of Middle East war in Egypt and Libya, the falling of liberal economic, etc.  

Before Reading
1.         Ask your friend in group about the following questions.
a.       Do you know about Neolithic times?
b.      Do you know about Paleolithic times?
c.       How about Mesolithic?
d.      If you know this three times, what are the differences among these?

2.         Now, fill out the following table based on the result of your questionnaire.

a.       People asked
b.      People know Neolithic times
c.       People know Paleolithic times
d.      People know Mesolithic times
e.       People know differences among these three times

Read the text carefully

The Neolithic age refers to a time of change which began about 10.000 B.C. During this period, primitive people settled in in more permanent areas, formed agricultural communities, and developed elementary cultures. These agricultural communities had many advantages over the nomadic tribes of Paleolithic era. For one, the community was more likely to have more reliable food source. In addition, food could be stored and consumed at a later date which reduced the need to migrate to new hunting grounds.

Zaman Neolitikum berkenaan dengan masa perubahan yang dimulai sekitar 10.000 SM. Selama periode ini, orang-orang primitif menetap di beberapa daerah yang tetap, membentuk kelompok tani, dan mengembangkan kebudayaan dasar. Kelompok-kelompok tani ini memiliki banyak keuntungan dibandingkan dengan suku-suku pengembara pada era Paleolitik. Salah satunya, kelompok ini kemungkinan besar telah memiliki persediaan makanan yang tetap. Disamping itu, makanan dapat disimpan dan dikonsumsi di waktu berikutnya yang mana mengurangi kebiasaan berpindah ke tempat berburu yang baru.

Several innovations during Neolithic age changed the nature of travel forever. Sailing vessels were built in Egypt around 4000 B.C. During this period, animals were being domesticated and trained to carry supplies, community members, weapons, and tools. Third, the Sumerians invented the wheels around 3500 B.C. and used it to move materials, people, military might, and to make pottery and tools. Each development alone, and in combination, dramatically affected travel. The burdens of travel were considerably reduced and the distance which a person, group, or whole community could travel expanded from a few miles to hundreds.

Beberapa perubahan selama zaman Neolitik merubah kebiasaan berpergian selamanya. Kapal layar dibuat di Mesir sekitar 4000 SM. Selama periode ini, para binatang dijinakan dan dilatih untuk membawa perbekalan, anggota kelompok, senjata dan perkakas. Lalu, bangsa Sumeria menemukan roda sekitar 3500 SM. dan menggunakannya untuk mengangkut barang, orang-orang, petinggi tentara, dan untuk membuat tembikar serta perkakas. Setiap masing-masing pengembangannya serta pengkombinasiannya secara dramatis mempengaruhi perjalanan. Beban perjalanan dan jarak tempuh menjadi sangat berkurang dimana seseorang, kelompok, atau seluruh komunitas dapat berpergian jauh dari hanya beberapa mil menjadi ratusan mil jauhnya.  

Most early travel was associated with the trade and exchange of goods. Growing agricultural communities were able to maintain reliable sources of food and water and offered some measure of safety and stability for travelers. This security fostered exchanges of surplus foods, artifacts, tools, and weapons among neighboring communities and cultures. Innovations in the means of travel also made trading a realistic venture for some community members.

Awal mula kegiatan bepergian berkaitan dengan perdagangan dan pertukaran barang-barang. Menumbuhkan komunitas pertanian dapat menjaga ketersediaan cadangan makanan dan air serta memberikan langkah pengamanan dan stabilitas bagi orang-orang yang bepergian. Pengamanan ini membantu perkembangan pertukaran surplus makanan, barang-barang, perkakas, dan senjata diantara komunitas dan budaya yang bertetangga. Pembaharuan dalam perjalanan juga menjadikan perdagangan sebuah mata pencaharian bagi sebagian anggota komunitas.

Related to the rise of travel for trade was the development of media of exchange between communities. Before coins were invented, valuables such as attractive jewelry, knives, and implements for lighting fires served as exchange media. The first coins were developed around 680 B.C. they were irregular and round in shape with official imprints stamped by the issuing government. With the coin, travel costs could be managed without transporting cumbersome, perishable, and often heavy bundles of valuables for barter. 

Seiring dengan perkembangan kegiatan bepergian untuk perdagangan media pertukaran antar komunitas juga berkembang. Sebelum koin ditemukan, benda-benda berharga seperti perhiasan yang menarik, pisau, dan peralatan penerangan dijadikan sebagai media pertukaran. Koin pertama kali dikembangkan sekitar tahun 680 SM. koin tersebut berbrntuk tidak beraturan dan berentet dengan dicap cap resmi oleh pemerintah yang mengeluarkan. Dengan koin, biaya perjalanan dapat diatur tanpa ketidakpraktisan transportasi, awet, dan seringnya menggunakan setumpukan barang berharga yang berat untuk barter. 

The unique cultures and religions which emerged during the Neolithic revolution fostered travel for religious and spiritual purposes. While earlier hunters and gatherers traveled to survive, the people of primitive agricultural communities were able to set aside regular times for spiritual events and festivals. Some members of the community traveled to shrines, burial grounds, sacred locations, and places of exceptional beauty or mystery.

Kebudayaan dan kepercayaan unik yang muncul selama revolusi Neolitik mendorong perkembangan kegiatan bepergian untuk keperluan spiritual dan religius. Saat para pemburu dan para pencari makan yang lebih dulu mengembara untuk bertahan hidup, komunitas para petani primitif telah dapat menyisihkan waktu untuk acara dan festifal spiritual. Beberapa anggota komunitas melakukan perjalanan ke tempat suci, pemakaman, lokasi keramat dan tempat-tempat yang luar biasa indah atau penuh misteri.   

The leisure time required for pleasure travel was very scarce in primitive societies – even in the first agricultural communities. As these communities stabilized, and as surplus food supplies and trade increased, leisure time did appear for some people. The quality of life for community members was significantly higher than for members of earlier hunting and gathering tribes. Gradually, the number of options increased in terms of how people could choose to spend their time and their resources.

Waktu luang yang dibutuhkan untuk kegiatan bepergian yang menyenangkan sangat langka pada masyarakat primitif – bahkan di awal masa komunitas pertanian. Saat komunitas ini stabil dan saat surplus persediaan makan dan perdagangan meningkat, waktu luang benar-benar tidak ada bagi beberapa orang. Kualitas hidup bagi anggota komunitas meningkat drastis daripada para anggota suku yang masih berburu dan mencari makanan. Secara bengangsur-angsur, jumlah pilihan meningkat dalam arti bagaimana orang-orang dapat memilih untuk menghabiskan waktu dan sumberdaya mereka.

Key Events In Travel and Tourism

9000  Animals are domesticated used in transportation
4000  Sailing crafts used Ancient Egypt
3500  Wheel invented and used by Sumerians
776     First Olympic Games held in Ancient Greece
700     Homer writers Iliad and Odyssey, ancient literature with tales of travel
680    First coins used by people of Lydia

1.      Refer to the text you read and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). Then, write T for true and F for false in the given space.
a.       (F)Nomadic community existed in Neolithic age.
b.      (F)Community in Paleolithic age had a reliable food source.
c.       (F)The wheel first invented in 4000 BC.
d.      (T)Travel began to expand in Neolithic age.
e.       (T)Exchanges of goods were found in the Neolithic age.
f.       (F)Coins as exchange media were developed in Neolithic age.
g.      (T)Travel in Neolithic age was done for spiritual purpose.
h.      (F)There was a lot of leisure time in primitive societies.

For point i to l, answer the following questions concisely!
i.        What characteristics were found in agricultural communities in Neolithic age? The community was more likely to have more reliable food source. In addition, food could be stored and consumed at a later date which reduced the need to migrate to new hunting grounds.
j.        What factors affected travel in Neolithic age? The building of sailing vessels, the domesticating and training animals, and the invention of wheel.
k.      What were common media exchanges in Neolithic age? Valuables such as attractive jewelry, knives, and implements for lighting fires served as exchange media.
l.        Who invented the wheel in Neolithic age?
The Sumerians

2.      Look at the diagram below. Show the structure of the reading passage (text) by writing the main topic of the paragraph in the given space. Number one has been done for you.
Paragraph 1 : The formation of agricultural community.
Paragraph 2 : Several innovations during Neolithic age.
Paragraph 3 : The association of travel with trade and exchange of goods.
Paragraph 4 : The media of exchange between communities.   
Paragraph 5 : Neolithic revolution fostering travel for religious and spiritual purposes.
Paragraph 6 : Scarce leisure time in primitive societies.

3.      Based on your answers to part 1, what is the best title for the text?
a.       Travel in Neolithic times
b.      Means of travel in Neolithic times
c.       Media exchanges in Neolithic times
d.      Factors influencing travel in Neolithic times

B.  Speaking
Ask your friend about what they have read about Neolithic age. Use the following one-sided dialog as guide.

A: When did Neolithic age begin?
B: Neolithic age began about 10.000 BC.
A: What events happened in 9000 BC?
B: Animals were domesticated and trained for transportation.
A: When the wheel was first invented?
B:  The wheel was invented around 3500 BC.
A: When did the first Olympic Games hold?
B: The first Olympic Games held in 776 BC
A: What events happened in 680 BC?
B: The first coins were used by the people of Lydia in 680 BC.

C.  Writing
1.      Work in a group of four and compare what you know about the topic with what you learned about it. Then write your comparison in the following table.

What you know about the topic
What you learned about the topic
·         Paleolithic and Neolithic are the age when the people used stone for almost their tools to survive.
·         The primitive people made traveling in Stone Age.
·         In Paleolithic, the people were nomadic and in Neolithic, the people settled in permanent areas.
·         In Paleolithic, the people made traveling to survive and in Neolithic, the people made traveling for trading.

2.      Write also what you want to know more about the topic in the table below.
What I want to know more about the topic
·         How did the primitive people farm their field?
·         Why did the primitive people improve the transportation?
·         How did the primitive people interact?
·         How did they make a vehicle for trading?

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